
APKPure is a third-party application store that enables you to download and install games and apps for Android without having to search for them through Google’s Play Store. This can be helpful if you wish to download an earlier version of an app or if you live in a region where specific games or apps are not offered on the Play Store.


The steps below will show you how to get the PUBG Mobile APK from APKPure:

  1. Search for “PUBG Mobile” on the APKPure website.
  2. To access the app page, click on the PUBG Mobile button.
  3. Select “Download APK” from the menu.
  4. To begin downloading the APK file, tap the “Download” button.
  5. Tap the APK file for installing PUBG Mobile when it has been downloaded.
  6. Please remember to turn on “Unknown Sources” in your gadget’s privacy settings before installing APKs from unknown sources.

Things to consider before downloading the PUBG Mobile APK from APKPure:

  • Be sure to install the APK file from the APKPure website’s official source.
  • False APKPure websites frequently disseminate malware.
  • Before installing an APK file, make sure that it is signed. 
  • To accomplish this, select the “Signature” tab from the APK file’s properties. “APKPure.com” may be used as signature. 
  • Installing APKs from unofficial app marketplaces requires caution. 
  • There is a chance of downloading viruses from these app shops because they could not be as safe as the Google Play Store.

Installing the PUBG Mobile APK

To install PUBG Mobile APK, do the following:

  1. Locate the folder where the APK file is saved by opening the file manager on your smartphone and going there.
  2. To begin the installation process, tap on the APK file.
  3. If asked, select “Install” to give the app permission to install.
  4. After the installation is finished, you may access PUBG Mobile from the app drawer on your device.
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Troubleshooting tips:

Try the following if you’re experiencing difficulties installing or downloading the PUBG Mobile APK:

  1. Ensure about your internet connection is good.
  2. Download the APK file once more.
  3. Make sure there is adequate room on your smartphone to install the app.
  4. In the security settings of your device, enable “Unknown Sources”.
  5. An alternative file manager app might work better for installing the APK file.
  6. Restart the computer.
  7. If you’re still having issues, ask for help from APKPure support.

Customer Service: 

Please email our customer service department at pubgm@hotcool.com.tw. if you have any questions.


The PUBG Mobile APK may be downloaded from the trusted and secure website APKPure. can be confident that you are downloading a secure file from APKPure because all of the APK files have been viruses and malware screened before being uploaded.

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